IPANZ E-Update - 9 June 2021

Kia ora koutou

Our recent System Leadership event was very popular, with a long waiting list. Despite our reminders with a strong request for people to tell us if they were unable to come, we still had a large percentage of no-shows. This meant people on the waiting list were let down.

We sought to understand this, and some people said we should consider charging. However, IPANZ remains committed to free events, it is an important service to our members. We also completely understand that unexpected things come up in your busy lives and you will inevitably find yourselves unable to attend. We ask that when you register for an event, put it in your schedule, do your very best to come, or offer the place to a colleague if you can’t. And if we do tell you there is a waiting list, make a very special effort to tell us if you cannot come.

Thank you. We have the video of this session below, though nothing replaces being there!

Shenagh Gleisner, Executive Director


System Leadership

What a wonderful conversation took place! We are all learning, experimenting, trying out ways of doing this, so the conversations must continue. We got a picture of the multiple stakeholders who will be involved, the challenge of “moving a flotilla”, building trust, courage, better connection with communities, public accountability, and much more.

IPANZ looks forward to continuing to engage on the subject of system leadership, and warmly thanks Vicky Robertson, Iona Holsted and Liz MacPherson for encouraging IPANZ members to be part of this exploration.

You can view the video of this conversation here

Rangatiratanga and the Crown

We all need to understand rangatiratanga. In this article, due to be published in our next Public Sector Journal, Lana Simmons-Donaldson writes eloquently about what rangatiratanga means for the Crown, using three different Waitangi Tribunal reports to illustrate this. As our president says in the introduction to the forthcoming journal, understanding of our shared past and the generational impacts of key events is crucial to charting a new future.

Learning from the 2020 COVID Budget

Trust in government and the public service is essential. A crisis such as COVID requires rapid response. The public sector built trust over this period with its performance, and also had a good record on trust prior to COVID.

There was however some critique; a crisis is not an excuse for lack of accountability or transparency. An International NGO – the International Budget Partnership, conducted a rapid assessment of 120 countries’ performance on transparency, oversight and public participation in funding their COVID packages. There were a few things to learn particularly around transparency of budgeting information and information around emergency procurement.

Read the report written by Derek Gill here.

Wellbeing Index

We are pleased to share a brief interview with Jane Kennelly, General Manager of Wellbeing at Skills Consulting Group. We also link you to the highlights of this Work Wellbeing Index developed in conjunction with the research agency TRA. The index measures what is really important to Kiwi workers in the workplace, what contributes to their workplace wellbeing and if they feel their current organisation has a wellbeing culture.


It is an easy way of clicking onto a quick read, interesting articles and ideas, when travelling, having coffee or snatching some time. We would love you to become a follower of IPANZ. Do it today.

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Find out more about H2R here


IPANZ New Professionals - Wellbeing Strategy: Designing Work for Wellbeing

Wellington, Wednesday 23 June, 5.30-7.30pm

While executives have long recognised that wellbeing is important, the COVID-19 pandemic brought home how significant it really is. The New Professionals invite you to join them for an in depth, facilitated workshop on how organisations can think more deeply about ways to design wellbeing into the work itself so that both workers and the organisation can thrive moving forward.

Read more and register here

Hōkai Rangi - Partnership and Engagement with Māori

Wellington, Tuesday 29 June, 10.00-11.00am

This government has made clear its intentions for improved Māori-Crown relationships across the Public Service. Hōkai Rangi is driving Corrections to build genuine partnerships with Māori, in order to deliver greatly improved outcomes across New Zealand. Learn more about Hōkai Rangi and how you can apply it’s principles to similar transformational change for Māori in your organisation.

Read more and register here

IPANZ Public Sector Conference 2021

Nau Mai, Haere Mai

IPANZ welcomes you to our conference. It promises to be an inspiring and rewarding event. We have very stimulating content for you, and a powerful line up of speakers. Please join us.

Go to the conference website to learn more about some of the sessions in the conference programme, current speakers and to register to attend.


Read more here


Organisational Culture: Collective Mental Health

Mental health is too often seen as an individual issue requiring individual solutions. Yet in reality it is as much a problem for groups and organisations. The collective, overall, mental health of an organisation can impact individual mental health. I suspect people intuitively know that the culture of an organisation can be pathological in one way or another.

Through the wide range of data available, it might be possible to see that, in some organisations, the normal distribution curve has been shifted. And this gives you a starting point in trying to understand the collective mental health of that culture.

Of course, the value in this is knowing what you can do to boost wellbeing and feelings of social connectedness in organisations. There is some recent evidence about how firms who followed some approaches sustained employees wellbeing through a crisis.

There are no easy and neat answers, but all we can learn about promoting mental health in our organisations the better, so we can start reading, digging and learning. Here is a starter.

Find out more about The Johnson Group here


If you found this e-update useful, please share it with your friends and colleagues. We're always looking to reach more people with our news, events and insights. If you have friends and colleagues in Christchurch and Auckland, we would be particularly happy to hear from them.

And if you've received this e-update indirectly and would like to sign up to our mailing list, please email us at admin@ipanz.org.nz
