Decision to Suspend In-Person Events

We put a high value on face-to-face events and interaction, however it is clear that one of the best ways we can all contribute to slowing the spread of COVID-19 is to limit in-person interactions where possible.

We have therefore decided to suspend in-person events, and will be focussing instead on delivering a virtual programme.

The good news is that we’re well positioned to offer you a virtual programme that continues to support your development — through our e-updates, our social media platforms, and video content.

We can’t emphasise enough the importance of staying in regular communication with each other during this challenging time – continuing to engage in constructive conversations and to support each other — and we’ll be contributing to that as much as possible through our electronic communications and virtual events.

If you have thoughts on how we can continue to provide the best possible support to our members at this time, we would love to hear from you. Email Shenagh.
