Localism in Action: Implementing Wellbeing Frameworks

Mike Reid presented a very informative and engaging talk to a big audience on the implementation of the government's wellbeing framework at a local level - this was a joint IPANZ and Auckland Council event.

Some of the key points from the session included:

  • Grant Robertson was charged with developing a budget that was focussed on outcomes and wellbeing
  • GDP as looks a the economy, but wellbeing is far wider and broader than this
  • He described the Welsh government and local government prioritised a well-being agenda setting up well-being boards
  • Need to deepen democracy by strengthening voice and active involvement of citizens
  • Council gets 11% of all public spending in NZ = have we got the balance right?
  • Significant benefit in central and local government working a lot more closely together to identify policy/programme/ service gaps
  • Decentralisation is not a new idea – do we just keep flipping from one back to the other?

There is a guide for central government engagement with local government on the following websites www.dpmc.govt.nz and www.dia.govt.nz

Please note that you can read a full article written by Mike Reid in our December issue of the Public Sector Journal
